Patrick Kelly
Staff Writer
My name is Patrick Kelly and I am a new addition to t...
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By now, most of us are aware of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge that has taken the webALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease is a progressively degenerating disease. Those diagnosed with ALS continue to lose basic muscle functions over time, such as the ability to eat
Despite what critics say against the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, this challenge has increased awareness at an incredibly powerful rate, not to mention donations. As of September 8, the ALS Association had received over $110 million in Ice Bucket Challenge donations (
To prove that this challenge has gone viral, all anyone needs to do is go online
Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam
Perhaps one of the slowest ice bucket pours you will see. Vedder does his challenge in honor of Steve Gleason, nominating Tim Robbins, Bruce Springsteen, and his daughters’ pick, Niall Horn from One Direction.
#als #alsicebucketchallenge #LouGehrigdisease #icebucketchallenge #musiciansicebucketchallenge #arcadefire #brucespringsteen #Davegrohl #EddieVedder #FooFighters #GeddyLee #GeorgeW.Bush #JackBlack #JimmyFallon #JohnMayer #JustinTimberlake #MarkZuckerberg #PatrickKelly #TheRoots #WeirdAlYankovic #ZacBrownBand #PearlJam