Eye Movement Based System

optikeylogoOptiKey is a free, assistive on-screen keyboard software for computers on the Windows operating system. It is designed to be used with a low cost eye-tracking device to enable speech and keyboard and mouse control to people with motor and speech limitations, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neuron disease (MND).
Eye-tracking is the process of using sensors to locate features of the eyes and estimate where someone is looking (point of gaze). By using the eyes as a “pointer” on a screen, eye-tracking facilitates interactions with computers and other devices when users are unable to use their hands as the input medium. Designed as peripheral devices, eye-tracker hardware can be added to a regular computer screen for an easy and affordable way to introduce eye-tracking technology, which also has applications in a range of usages where hands-free computer control is desirable, and also for gaming.
SweetlandHSOptiKey’s London, England-based indie developer Julius Sweetland says his motivations to write the software were the experiences of an aunt who died of MND, and to challenge what he deems as several “outrageously expensive, unreliable, and difficult to use” AAC (alternative and augmentative communication) products now on the market. By contrast, OptiKey is fully open-source and free — “forever,” says Julius. A video of Julius Sweetland talking about how he was inspired to launch the OptiKey project can be viewed here.
The latest version 2.3.0 of OptiKey was released March 4. It adds refined auto-complete words that are now tolerant to misspelled words, and some bug fixes. The software can be downloaded at: https://github.com/OptiKey/OptiKey/releases/download/v2.3.0/OptiKeySetup-2.3.0.exe.
Julius says OptiKey works right out of the box once you have an eye-tracking device installed, allowing on-screen selections to be made using dwell selection, as well as physical buttons and assistive devices. Users who do not have an eye-tracking device can use OptiKey with a mouse or a webcam.
OptiKey eye-tracking input can be used as an alternative to a physical keyboard, enabling eye-controlled typing into any application. OptiKey can automatically insert spaces between words and capitalize letters to help make typing faster. It is also possible to type entire words and phrases in a single selection by “swiping” or using “auto-complete.” OptiKey can be a substitute for a mouse, enabling precise clicking, scrolling, and dragging.
To communicate more naturally with others, users can select the “Speak” key, and OptiKey will convert what they have typed into speech.
Sweetland thinks the high prices of many AAC products on the market are unfair and a big problem for potential users with speech and motor limitations. For many of these people, the cost of assistive aids is a major inhibition to be able to communicate and achieve full computer control without having to spend huge sums of money for sub-par commercial systems.
Sweetland believes that everyone with motor and speech limitations should have access to suitable software, and says OptiKey is his contribution to help make that objective possible. However, he says he’s finding it increasingly difficult to balance the time demands of his full-time day job writing finance software, family life with his wife and infant son, and ongoing development work on OptiKey.
“I am not going anywhere,” he said. “But if people are kind enough to support this project through sponsorship I will be able to dedicate more time to OptiKey. That means better and more frequent updates and more time spent finding and helping people in need.”
He is hoping to raise sufficient funding through crowdfunding sponsorship that would allow him to dedicate one week each month to OptiKey development and give it the attention it deserves. If you would like to help sponsor this project, details can be found at 
Sweetland said OptiKey should work on Windows PC desktop computers, laptops, tablets capable of running the .Net 4.6 Framework (this does not include Windows RT tablets), on any version of Windows from Vista SP2 up to Windows 10. The software can also run on Macs with Windows installed using Parallels machine virtualization.
Your device should be relatively modern and capable, but high-end computer specs are not required for OptiKey.
Users will need a device that meets the minimum requirements of the chosen eye-tracker hardware device. Sweetland said that broadly speaking, users will need at least an Intel Core i5 processor, at least one USB 3.0 port (USB 2.0 will not work with most tracking devices, although he thinks it may be possible to use the Tobii REX device over USB 2.0) and a screen size large enough to be used comfortably (13 to 15 inches, minimum) and no more than 24 inches large (although it may be possible to use a larger screen if Windows is limited to only cover 24 inches, such as when using Parallels to run Windows on a Mac).
Anyone who is confused by which computer, laptop, or tablet to buy and is considering spending a lot of money, Sweetland says he is willing to offer personal advice via email on how to target the sweet spot between cost and performance (and screen size).
He suggests using of one of the available low-cost eye-tracking devices, specifically recommending the Tobii EyeX tracker or the Eye Tribe tracker, but has posted a full list of supported eye-tracking devices here.
Tobii Dynavox also makes specially designed computers that are controlled by eye movement or touch screens for people with special needs. Its products help people with communication disabilities — caused by, for example, cerebral palsy, ALS, spinal cord injury, aphasia, or autism — to speak and communicate.
You can check out the differences between Eye Tribe tracker and the Tobii EyeX tracker (the two lowest-cost trackers available) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rm2XhWzrC4o’The Eye Tribe Tracker vs. Tobii EyeX
Demonstration videos of OptiKey and Tobii EyeX can be viewed at:  
Video 1  

Video 2
The “Using eye trackers” page provides a comprehensive guide through the process of setting up an eye tracker to work with OptiKey.



ALS Assistive Technology Blog by Alisa Brownlee, ATP, CAPS 

Alisa Brownlee's  blog offers recent articles and web information on ALS, assistive technology--augmentative alternative communication (AAC), computer access, and other electronic devices that can impact and improve the quality of life for people with ALS. Follow Alisa on Twitter @alsassistivetec or on Facebook: Alisa Brownlee ALS. 
Email abrownlee@alsa-national.org. Any views or opinions presented on this blog are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the ALS Association. 

Augmentative Communication

An Overview of ALS and Assistive Technology

Most patients with ALS experience difficulty with speech and movement during the course of their illness. Some PALS (persons with ALS) will completely lose their ability to speak and to use their hands. The inability to speak is frustrating and emotionally devastating. My job is to use technology to get an ALS patient communicating so they can be an active participant in their family and community life, become more independent, and make medical decisions. There are many different electronic communication devices on the market. Some devices just speak for the person and some are desktop or laptop computer that not only speak for the person but also allow the user to have full access to computer functions. The easiest way to describe a communication device is that the user types on a traditional keyboard and a computer-synthesized voice repeats everything the 
user types into the device.

What is AAC?

Communication devices are referred to as “AAC”. The term “Augmentative/Alternative Communication” (AAC) refers to any mode of communication other than speech. When Medicare began paying for communication devices in 2001, they decided to refer to AAC devices as SGD’s—Speech Generating Devices. The acronyms are interchangeable). AAC includes systems such as sign language, symbol or picture boards, and electronic devices with synthesized speech. Although the same systems can be used for either augmentative communication or alternative communication, there is a difference between the two. Augmentative systems are used by people who already have some speech but are either unintelligible or have limited abilities to use their speech. In such case, other modes of communication are used to support, or supplement what the person is able to say verbally. Alternative communication is the term used when a person has no speech. These people must completely rely on another method to make all of their ideas, 
wants, or needs known. 
Read more here:

Alisa Brownlee, Clinical Manager, Assistive Technology Services, is an 18 year staff member the ALS Association working for both the Greater Philadelphia Chapter and the National Office. Alisa speaks, blogs, writes articles and uses social media to increase awareness of ALS and the use of assistive technology. Her specialty areas are communication, computer access, and electronic aids for daily living. She is a strong advocate for patient rights with elected officials, insurance companies, and other healthcare providers.
Alisa is 2000 graduate of the California State University Northridge with a Graduate Certificate in Assistive Technology. She has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Hospitality Management and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in History from East Stroudsburg University. She is a Certified Assistive Technology Professional (ATP) through the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA).
She is a Board Member of RESNA (the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America) and is the Committee Chair of the 2014 RESNA Conference. She is also a Board Member of USSAAC (the United States Society of Augmentative/Alternative Communication)


An electrooculogram (EoG) based assistive communication system with improved speed and accuracy using multi-directional eye movements, Authors: Divya Swaminathan, A. P. Vinod and Kavitha P. Thomas, Published in the Proceedings of 35th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP),Prague, Czech Republic, July 2012.
#electrooculogram #EoG #assistive #communication#augmentative #alternativeCommunication
#AlisaBrownlee #AssistiveTechnology #ALS #AAC


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