Groups to Join

ALS Naturally is a group for ALS patients and their caregivers who believe that ALS CAN be stopped and reversed using testing, natural supplements, treatments, prayer, and techniques. We do not advocate the use of drugs for ALS because we believe that ALS is a soup of many different problems unique to the individual and no one drug will be the answer to all of us, but will not condemn the use of drugs by members of the group. Each member who takes drugs for ALS is solely responsible to check for drug interactions with supplements/herbs/treatments/techniques on their own and we will not be held liable for any bad or fatal interactions that happen using the techniques/supplements/herbs/suggestions on this page. Herbs and drugs must be researched carefully and dosage timing/interactions must be considered carefully. You are responsible for your own due diligence. This page is strictly for NATURAL solutions, so talk of drugs is strongly prohibited. The subjects discussed in this group may not work for everyone and each person is responsible to find the right combination of solutions for their body. Testing suggestions will be available to help you in that research. 

#testing #supplements #alternativeTreatments