Sunday, September 13, 2015

Acts of Kindness Because of Chris Rosati

Chris Rosati started something with his gift to two girls. The only thing he asked is to do something kind. Chris lives with and in spite of ALS and his voice is almost gone but he isn't stopped from doing good. He lives to make kindness contagious. He wanted to see if the butterfly effect would work with acts of kindness. The butterfly effect is a butterfly flapping it's wings can start a hurricane on the other side of the world, A physics theory. He continues to give out 'butterfly grants' and kindness continues to spread in young people doing good things to help others. All because of Chris believes we can make a difference in lives of others. Watch the videos below and if you'd like to see more about Chris Rosati and what he's been up to, go to youtube and search, 'Chris Rosati'.

 #chris rosati #als #acts of kindness stories #acts of kindness #videos #youtube #contagious kindness #kindness is contagious #pass it on #random acts of kindness #1000 donut give away