Sunday, June 26, 2016

Johnny has ALS. He is Being Forced to Move

 This is Johnny my father in-law. He was diagnosed with ALS Feb 2015. Johnny and my mother in-law (Angel) have lived in the same house for 28 years. The owners of the residence have just recently gave my in laws a 60 day notice to move because the house is being sold. In these next 60 days they still have to pay rent here and find a new residence. They are on Social Security. (Limited income). We have exhausted all avenues. A friend had suggested that we should make a Go Fund me account. 

Here's a little bit about my father inlaw. He is one of the most loving caring people I know. He always does for other people out of the kindness of his heart. (family,friends, strangers). We are asking for help with 1st months rent deposit and moving truck... moving expenses

#ALS #HastoMove #help #share #Johnny 

Have a Beautiful Relaxing Day:You Are More

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Good Afternoon


Join Me In Staying Strong

#A1000Reasons #StayStrong #laugh #smile

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Tell FDA to Stop Denying Treatment Options

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Smile & Have a Great Tuesday

Smile and Have a Great Tuesday

#Tuesday #GreatDay #smile

Monday, June 6, 2016

Causes ALS aka Lou Gehrig's Disease, Dr. Lonnie Herman

Dr. Lonnie Herman has graciously agreed to do a webinar on what he has concluded causes ALS! Register today and reserve a space! ALS-Finding The Hidden Causes Webinar by Dr. Lonnie Herman. Wednesday, June 8th, 5:00 pm Eastern Standard Time Register for the event here:…/3022174110184494852 
Try to watch this video before the webinar so you have a better understanding of what he is referring to: 
 Here is a preview of Dr. Herman's work in ALS: 
Time to beat this beast called ALS! Hope to see you all there!

Happy Monday


Sunday, June 5, 2016

CReATe Virtual Journal Club; Helping Patients and Families Understand Scientific Papers

 RDCRN Contact Registry

From Dr. Richard Bedlack: 
CReATe Virtual Journal Clubs are designed to help patients and families better understand recent scientific papers on topics related to motor neuron diseases. The articles are selected by folks enrolled in CReATe Connect. Enrollment in this is easy and free at…/patien…/CReATe-Connect 
 Our next CReATe Virtual Journal Club is tomorrow, when I will be discussing my recent paper entitled "How Common Are ALS Plateaus and Reversals." Everyone is welcome to listen in and there will definitely be time for questions afterward. 
Webinar Details: Date: Mon, June 6, 2016 Time: 2PM Eastern Standard Time Link to join:

 For audio, you may use your computer mic/speakers through the link above or call in using your phone: United States (Toll-free): 1 877 309 2070 & use Meeting ID/Access Code: 149-540-773

#webinar #CReATe #VirtualJournalClubs #MotorNeuronDisease #ScientificJournals 

Friday, June 3, 2016

When You Can't Look On Bright Side

You don't have to do it alone!
If you haven't already, please join us on facebook

#StayingAliveIsNotEnough #NeverAlone #ALS #IWillSitWithYou #ALS

Thursday, June 2, 2016

In Memory of Lou Gehrig

Thanks to Rick Berger for the image.

#Als #LouGehrig #Memory

Get Up, Dress Up, Show Up and Never Give Up

I have heard Dagmar Munn talk about getting up, dressing up, and showing up. Many times we read something or watch a video but we don't take action. We don't think it fits us or we just don't bother. After all we have ALS or our friend or loved one does. Why bother and just give up hope. NOT! Today be creative in taking action and share it with us.
Maybe it's sitting up, having a bow put in your hair. If your a guy how about getting a shave and a clean pair of socks. Have someone open the window. If you can be mobile have your caregiver/family/friend exercise your legs or get out for a walk.  Caregiver, family or friend...dress a bit nicer today. put on a smile,  take time to eat breakfast or lunch today.
Share with us will you all please! 

#GetUp #ShowUp #DressUp #NeverGiveUp

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Good Evening

I hope your day has been alright. Feel free to share what your day has been like.

#Goodevening #sharing

Who are the Sid James Experience? We catch their manager, Lord Lee Bragg at work….

Tonight we catch Lord Lee Bragg, exclusive agent to the Sid James Experience, organising the June 4th MNDA fundraiser. We are also reminded of the sound that has taken the Sid James Experience in the last 20 years all the way from central Farnham to the hard shoulder of the A31.

 #SidJames#awareness #MND #ALS #Onein400