Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Good Afternoon: Resilience:ALS: Dagmar Munn

Good afternoon! What a wonderful day! I'm so grateful to be home from the hospital, going forth.and being healthy. 

I've began reading a book written by a dear lady who has been diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig Disease) for sometime. Her name is Dagmar  I'm so inspired. Ny life is already being so transformed.

She shares how her father invented a rule during board games they played.Somewhere midway during the game, he'd call out "Rotate the Board:". The board was rotated and everyone went on with the game or got up angry and left. 
She shares, 'Over time I could see how my father’s game board rule tested sense of control over change, our reactions to losing control as well as our ability to recover'.

I decided to embrace this journey with reading the book and taking action as Dagmar has done. I hope you will embrace your own journey and walk through no matter what you face.

 'Recovery is dependent on our resilience'. I'll clarify that 'recovery' is anything that has hit you or slowed you down in ways that you don't like. And most of those things are not planned or in our control.

Most of us have not had our resilience tested or if so it's been very little. 
Once in awhile we have to tap into it. Mostly it's when we choose a change like a job, having a child, buying a new home or car.
Doesn't require much resilience does it!

What is resilience? It is defined as an individual's ability to properly adapt to stress and adversity. Stress and adversity can come in the shape of family or relationship problems, health problems, or workplace and financial worries, among others.

Most of us don't have ALS and  neither do I. 
The point in me sharing some of Dagmar's book is 'resilience' is one key we need to work with. 

Life is not always easy and changes will come whether it's by choice or things out of our control.
Not being well over the last year and at the same time following my passions and dreams to have my own businesses have brought me to a place of looking at how I deal with things in life.

Most of us also know at least in our head that not dealing with stress and emotions has a negative impact on our wellbeing and health. 
Before I got sick and ended up in the hospital this time I wasn't taking the 'dealing' of stress beyond my head and taking actions. Therefore, I wasn't taking good care of my health on any level. 
I'm learning there is a better way. It's a shame most of us wait way too long to do anything about how we deal with life. 

It's the fault of circumstances, it's choices we've made, it's some other person's fault, blah, blah, blah.
Can anyone tell me how far and anything positive blaming has got them. Can you share how excuses to not overcome and be our best has brought us good! 
Can anyone tell me good things that are coming from staying stuck? 

I'm looking forward to sharing more on my journey and do hope you will join me on your journey and chime in with your thoughts.
Until next time, 

 Please do take time to download Dagmar's free book and delve into a better life no matter what you face.