Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Take Time to Explore

3. Take time to explore what works best for you. What types of persons and behaviors do you respond to best? Do you prefer direct communication, do you withdraw, are you sensitive? Does too much information overwhelm you, or does too little heighten anxiety? How do you cope best? Being aware of who you are and what works best for you will help you as you make healthcare decisions, seek out support, and share your experience with family and friends. If it is too uncomfortable for you to explore these things, that’s ok. Ask someone to help you explore how you respond best.

Taken from the University of Michigan
Health System
Comprehensive ALS Clinic
Feel free to visit to learn more below

#ALS  #Explore #Healthcare #Decisions #UnivMichigan

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

ALS Isn't A Medical Emergency:It's An Emotional Shock

ALS Isn't A Medical Emergency:It's An Emotional Shock 
2. "It is normal to feel afraid, uncertain, and at a loss of what to do next. It is a crisis which must be addressed, however try to not feel forced into making rushed decisions.There is time to talk and make decisions. You have been experiencing symptoms that up to this point have not been labeled as ALS. You have now “landed on” ALS. As you move forward, remember that this is your diagnosis, your life, and your timeline when it comes to making decisions regarding your care and living the fullness of your life. Take time to experience all your emotions and allow an adjustment period to this diagnosis and its implications. Life is different now".

I've taken this from University of Michigan. You can read more by following the link below. 

#ALS #MedicalEmergency #EmotionalShock #UniversityofMichigan #GiveYourselfTime #TakeTime #ExperienceYourEmotions 

Sunday, May 21, 2017

You Are Not ALS: You Are Uniquely You!

So you've been diagnoses with ALS. Now what!

And by the way this is just as important for those of you who have had ALS for awhile. We can be just as likely to give in to the devastation and wanna quit or be extreme negative!

Our humanness kicks in-our mind goes nuts and we start thinking-it's a life sentence, I'm going to die, what's the use, I quit, I wanna die, what about my family, my wife & my kids?

Let's slow down and take a deep breath. 

First of all & my focus today is, ALS does not define the unique person you are!

1. A diagnosis does not define you as a person. Take the opportunity to introduce your healthcare team to the person behind the diagnosis. It is important that they know that there is a “whole” person in front of them with dreams, goals, insights, fears, hopes, questions, plans, and loved ones. Connect on a personal level with your healthcare team. You are a person of many dimensions, one of which is now living with ALS.

Stay tuned for 2.
I am expanding from the great information from the University of Michigan Health Care System

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Happy Mother's Day

'Happy Mother's Day' to all you awesome and special moms!
Know your loved and cared about. Whether you have ALS, are a caregiver, family member, friend.......ALS doesn't define who you are!
#MothersDay #ALS 

Monday, May 1, 2017

Happy May Day

Good Morning and welcome May! When I was a kid we made May Baskets from paper cups and pipe cleaners. We put them on friend's doorsteps. Did any of you do this?
I don't have a May Basket for you today but I do share my 'Garden of Hope'! May you cling to HOPE with all you are for an end to ALS.
#ALS #Hope #GardenofHope