And by the way this is just as important for those of you who have had ALS for awhile. We can be just as likely to give in to the devastation and wanna quit or be extreme negative!
Our humanness kicks in-our mind goes nuts and we start thinking-it's a life sentence, I'm going to die, what's the use, I quit, I wanna die, what about my family, my wife & my kids?
Let's slow down and take a deep breath.
1. A diagnosis does not define you as a person. Take the opportunity to introduce your healthcare
team to the person behind the diagnosis. It is important that they know that there is a “whole”
person in front of them with dreams, goals, insights, fears, hopes, questions, plans, and loved
ones. Connect on a personal level with your healthcare team. You are a person of many
dimensions, one of which is now living with ALS.
Stay tuned for 2.
I am expanding from the great information from the University of Michigan Health Care System
#ALS #NotWhoYouAre #Connect #WholePerson
#ALS #NotWhoYouAre #Connect #WholePerson